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Lista Completa delle Console QUI

Windows 3.1: Una pietra miliare dell’interfaccia grafica (SEO friendly)

Windows 3.1, rilasciato nell’aprile del 1992, rappresenta una pietra miliare nella storia dei sistemi operativi per personal computer. Successore di Windows 3.0, ha introdotto diverse novità grafiche e funzionali che hanno contribuito a rendere i computer più accessibili e intuitivi per un pubblico più vasto.

Un’interfaccia grafica più raffinata: Windows 3.1 ha migliorato significativamente l’interfaccia utente (UI) rispetto alle versioni precedenti. Elementi come il File Manager e il Pannello di controllo sono stati ridisegnati per una navigazione più semplice, mentre l’introduzione di icone e schermi di benvenuto ha reso l’esperienza complessiva più visivamente accattivante.

Addio pixel grossi, benvenuto TrueType: Un’altra novità importante è stata l’introduzione del sistema di font TrueType. Questo ha permesso una visualizzazione più nitida e scalabile del testo, eliminando i pixel grossolani tipici dei font bitmap utilizzati in precedenza. TrueType ha rappresentato un passo avanti significativo per la leggibilità e l’estetica del desktop.

Multimedia in crescita: Windows 3.1 ha segnato l’inizio di una maggiore attenzione alla multimedialità sui PC. L’introduzione di Media Player e Sound Recorder ha permesso agli utenti di riprodurre file audio e registrare suoni, aprendo le porte a nuove possibilità di intrattenimento e creazione di contenuti.

Novità pratiche: Windows 3.1 ha introdotto anche funzionalità pratiche come gli screensaver, che potevano personalizzare l’aspetto del monitor durante i periodi di inattività. Inoltre, il Registro di sistema (Windows Registry) ha fatto la sua comparsa, semplificando la gestione delle impostazioni di configurazione.

Oltre MS-DOS: più RAM e versioni speciali: Come i suoi predecessori, Windows 3.1 funzionava come un’interfaccia grafica (shell) posizionata sopra MS-DOS. Tuttavia, ha rappresentato un passo avanti nella gestione della memoria, potendo sfruttare una quantità di RAM superiore rispetto alle versioni precedenti. Microsoft ha rilasciato anche versioni speciali di Windows 3.1 per specifici mercati, come quella con supporto multilingua per Europa e Giappone, e la “Modular Windows” per Tandy Video Information System.

Windows 3.11 e il salto verso le reti: Nel 1993, Windows 3.11 è stato rilasciato come aggiornamento minore, mentre Windows 3.2 è stata la versione in cinese semplificato di Windows 3.1. Un’altra pietra miliare è stata l’introduzione di Windows for Workgroups, la prima versione di Windows a consentire funzionalità di rete integrate. Orientato principalmente alle aziende, ha permesso la condivisione di file, l’utilizzo di server di stampa e la chat online, aprendo la strada al concetto di networking peer-to-peer.

Successo e fine del ciclo: Windows 3.1 è stato un successo commerciale, vendendo oltre tre milioni di copie nei primi tre mesi. Ha contribuito in modo significativo a rendere i computer più user-friendly e ha spianato la strada a sistemi operativi ancora più evoluti come Windows 95. Il supporto ufficiale di Microsoft per la serie Windows 3.1 è terminato nel 2001 (fatta eccezione per la versione embedded, ritirata nel 2008).

Windows 3.1: un’eredità duratura

Nonostante la sua uscita di scena diversi anni fa, Windows 3.1 ha lasciato un’eredità importante. Ha contribuito a rendere i personal computer più accessibili e intuitivi, ponendo le basi per le interfacce grafiche moderne che utilizziamo oggi.

Lista Completa dei Giochi per Microsoft Windows 3.x Games


  • 101 Dalmatians Print Studio
  • 1942: The Pacific Air War Gold
  • 1st Mate – The Pilot
  • 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
  • 3D Atlas 98′
  • 3D Dinosaur Adventure
  • 3D-Maze
  • 3D Body Adventure
  • 3D Thinking Lab
  • 3D Ultra Minigolf
  • 3-D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent
  • 4-Play


  • A to Zap!
  • ABM Command
  • Ace Ventura
  • Achi
  • Achtung Spitfire!
  • Admirals Command
  • The Adventures of Batman & Robin Cartoon Maker
  • The Adventures of Busy Billy
  • The Adventures of Hyperman
  • The Adventures of Valdo & Marie
  • Adventures With Oslo: Tools and Gadget
  • Aesop’s Fables
  • Affairs of the Court
  • Africa Trail
  • Age of Sail
  • Alge-Blaster
  • Alice: An Interactive Museum
  • Alien Force
  • Alien Tales
  • All Dogs Go to Heaven Activity Center
  • Allie’s Playhouse
  • Allied General
  • Alone in the Dark 3: Ghosts in Town
  • AlphaBonk Farm
  • Amanda Stories
  • Amazon Skulls
  • The Amazon Trail
  • The American Girls Premiere
  • Amnesia
  • Ancient Yacht
  • AnnaTommy: An Adventure into the Human Body
  • Angela’s Bug Swat
  • The Animals Of Farthing Wood
  • Animated Blackjack
  • Anyone for Cards?
  • ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe
  • ArtRageous!
  • Asteroids
  • Astronomica: The Quest for the Edge of the Universe
  • Atmoids
  • Attaxx
  • Audio Cipher
  • The Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo: The Cyberplasm Formula
  • Awesome Animated Monster Maker
  • Aztec Curse, The


  • Babes in Toyland
  • Baby Brats – Super Play Room
  • Backgammon
  • Bad Day on the Midway
  • Bad Mojo
  • Bad Toys
  • Bailey’s Book House
  • Balance of Power: The 1990 Edition
  • Ballistic
  • Balloons Phrase Game
  • Banania
  • Bang! Bang!
  • Bankshot
  • Barbie and Her Magical House
  • Barbie Fashion Designer
  • Barbie Storymaker
  • Barry the Bear
  • Baseball’s Greatest Hits
  • Bastille
  • Battle Beast
  • Battle Chess
  • Battle Chess Enhanced
  • Battle Isle 2220: Shadow of the Emperor
  • Battle Sat
  • BattleGrid
  • Battleground: Bulge-Ardennes
  • Battleground 2: Gettysburg
  • Battleground 3: Waterloo
  • Battleground 4: Shiloh
  • Battleground 5: Antietam
  • Battleground 6: Napoleon in Russia
  • Battleground 7: Bull Run
  • Battleground 8: Prelude to Waterloo
  • BB-16-inch Guns
  • The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • BeeTris
  • Beginning Reading
  • Bermuda Syndrome
  • Best of Microsoft Entertainment Pack
  • Betrayal in Antara
  • Beyond Planet Earth
  • Bible Cryptogram
  • The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble
  • Black Dog Cribbage
  • Blackout
  • Blades of Exile
  • Blinky Bill And The Magician
  • Blinky Bill’s Ghost Cave
  • Blitzer
  • Block Breaker
  • Block Eleven
  • Blockade
  • Blown Away
  • Blox
  • Blue Ice
  • Bodyworks: An Adventure in Anatomy
  • Bomb Squad
  • Bomb Squad (Orbital)
  • Bonk Barney!
  • The Book of Shadowboxes
  • Bow and Arrow
  • Boxem
  • Boxes
  • Boxes II
  • Boxes III
  • Boxworld
  • Brain Jam
  • Brainteaser
  • BreakThru!
  • Brer Rabbit and the Wonderful Tar Baby
  • Brick Breaker II
  • Bricks
  • Bricks: the Ultimate Construction Toy!
  • Brickbuster
  • Bubble Trouble
  • Bubbles
  • Bug!
  • Bug Explorers
  • Burglary
  • Burn:Cycle


  • Canfield
  • Capitol Hill
  • Card Counter
  • Carlton Card Game
  • Carmen Sandiego Word Detective
  • Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective
  • Casper Brainy Book
  • Castle Explorer
  • Castle of the Winds
  • Catz: Your Computer Petz
  • Cell War
  • Centipede
  • Chameleon
  • Checkers
  • Cheese Terminator
  • Chess
  • Chessmaster 3000
  • Chessmaster 4000 Turbo
  • Chess Mates
  • Chip’s Challenge
  • Chomp
  • Cinema Volta
  • Cipher
  • Civilization
  • Civilization II
  • Code Breaker
  • The Color Wizard
  • Colossal Cave
  • Columns (video game)
  • Comet Busters!
  • Comic Book Confidential
  • The Complete MAUS
  • Connections
  • Conway’s Game of Life
  • Core War
  • Cow V: The Great Egg Quest!
  • Crawler!
  • Crayola Magic Princess: Paper Doll Maker
  • Crazy Eights
  • Cribbage
  • Crispy1
  • Critical Path
  • Crossword Magic
  • Cruel Solitaire
  • Curious George Learns Phonics
  • Curling


  • Daedalus Encounter, The
  • Daisy’s Garden
  • Daisy’s Garden 2
  • Daleks
  • Dally Doo You Can Too! Numbers
  • Dama Italiana
  • Dare to Dream
  • Dark Seed II
  • Dave Dude in the Holiday Story 95
  • Daryl F. Gates’ Police Quest: SWAT
  • A Day at the Beach With the Fuzzooly Family
  • Dazzeloids
  • Deadlock: Planetary Conquest
  • Defendroid
  • Deflektor PC
  • Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!!
  • Desert Storm
  • Destroyer for Windows
  • Dewey Goddard’s Tournament Golf
  • Diamonds 3D
  • Dino Cards
  • Dino Match
  • Dino Number
  • Dino Spell
  • Dino Slot
  • Dino Tiles
  • Dinonauts: Adventures in Space
  • Dinosaur Safari
  • Disney’s Activity Center: Aladdin
  • Disney’s Animated Storybook: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • Disney’s Animated Storybook: Hercules
  • Disney’s Animated Storybook: The Lion King
  • Dodger
  • Double Block
  • Dr. Blackjack
  • Dr. Stop!
  • Dracula in London
  • Dragon In A Wagon
  • Dreadnought
  • Drivin’ Route 66
  • The*Drums
  • Dubbel
  • Duck Hunt for Windows
  • Duel
  • Dust: A Tale of the Wired West


  • Earthsiege 2
  • Ecco the Dolphin
  • Econ’s Arena
  • EcoQuest2 – Lost Secret of the Rainforest
  • Egg Carton Game, The
  • Election ’92
  • Electro-Cute!
  • Elroy Goes Bugzerk
  • Elroy Hits the Pavement
  • Elroy’s Costume Closet
  • Emlith
  • EmPipe
  • Empire Deluxe
  • Endorfun
  • Enemy Nations
  • Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall
  • Escapade
  • Euchre
  • Europress Bookshelf: Alice in Wonderland
  • Europress Bookshelf: The Gingerbread Man
  • Europress Bookshelf: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • Europress Bookshelf: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • Europress Bookshelf: Journey to the Center of the Earth
  • Europress Bookshelf: Peter Pan
  • Europress Bookshelf: Tom Sawyer
  • Europress Bookshelf: Topsy and Tim at Granny and Grandpa’s
  • Europress Bookshelf: Topsy and Tim at the Supermarket
  • Europress Bookshelf: Topsy and Tim go to School
  • Europress Bookshelf: Treasure Island
  • The Even More Incredible Machine
  • Exile: Escape from the Pit
  • Exile II: Crystal Souls
  • Exile III: Ruined World
  • Explore Yellowstone


  • F-18: No Fly Zone
  • F.Godmom
  • Falling OZ
  • Firo and Klawd
  • Fisher-Price Learning in Toyland
  • Fisher-Price Ready for School: Kindergarten Edition
  • Flip Out!
  • Follow Me
  • Foo Castle
  • Football for Windows
  • Forever Growing Garden
  • Forty Thieves and King’s Corner
  • Four Seasons Solitaire
  • FoxFire 13
  • Fox Hunt
  • Fox Hunt
  • Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster
  • Franklin’s Activity Center
  • Freddi Fish and Luther’s Maze Madness
  • Freddi Fish and Luther’s Water Worries
  • Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds
  • Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
  • Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell
  • Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
  • FreeCell
  • Freedom Under Siege
  • Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro ’96 Season
  • Front Page Sports: Trophy Bass 2
  • Fruit Cakes
  • Frustration
  • Full Tilt! Pinball
  • Fun School Special – Paint and Create
  • Fun with Phonics
  • Fury3


  • Gadget: Invention, Travel & Adventure
  • Gatling
  • Gearheads
  • Gizmos & Gadgets!
  • Ghosts
  • Glider
  • GNU Chess
  • Gold Monkey
  • Gold Pusher
  • Golf
  • Grand Prix Manager 2
  • Great Adventures by Fisher-Price: Castle
  • Great Adventures by Fisher-Price: Pirate Ship
  • Great Adventures by Fisher-Price: Wild Western Town
  • The Greatest Paper Airplanes
  • The Greens
  • Grossology
  • Gus Goes to Cybertown
  • Guys


  • Hallowe’en Match
  • Hamurabi of Babylon
  • Hangman Jr.
  • Hangman Jr. Test Drive
  • Hanna-Barbera’s Cartoon Carnival
  • Happy Fun Ball
  • Harpoon Classic
  • Harpoon Classic ’97
  • Hearts
  • Henry’s Game
  • Here They Come!
  • Hero: The Challenge
  • Herrscher der Meere
  • Hex Tetris
  • Hex Trap
  • Hodj ‘n’ Podj
  • Hollywood Mogul
  • Hop
  • Hop-Skip Jump-A-Roo Zoo
  • Hotels and Motels
  • Hoyle Bridge
  • Hoyle Children’s Collection
  • Hoyle Poker
  • Hoyle Solitaire
  • Hugo II, Whodunit?
  • Hugo III, Jungle of Doom!
  • Hugo’s House of Horrors
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • Hurricane
  • Huygen’s Disclosure
  • Hyperoid


  • I Love Science
  • Ice & Fire
  • Iconwar
  • In Search of the Lost Words
  • In the 1st Degree
  • Incredible Machine 2, The
  • The Incredible Toon Machine
  • Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures
  • Inside Coloseum
  • Inspektor Zebok: Das Erbe
  • Interactive Math Journey
  • Ion
  • Iron Helix
  • Isis


  • Jewel Thief
  • Jet Trader
  • JezzBall
  • JigSawed
  • JJR Raceway
  • Johnny Castaway
  • Jones in the Fast Lane
  • Jonny Quest: Cover-Up at Roswell
  • Josho
  • The Journeyman Project
  • The Journeyman Project: Turbo!
  • The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
  • Juggler
  • Jumper
  • JumpStart 1st Grade
  • JumpStart 2nd Grade
  • JumpStart Adventures: 3rd Grade – Mystery Mountain
  • JumpStart Adventures: 4th Grade – Haunted Island
  • JumpStart Adventures: 5th Grade – Jo Hammet, Kid Detective
  • JumpStart Kindergarten Reading
  • JumpStart Pre-K
  • The Jungle Book: The Legend Of Mowgli


  • KaleidoKubes
  • Kid Pix
  • King’s Quest VII: The Princeless Bride
  • Kloks
  • Klotski
  • Klotz
  • Knight
  • Knight’s Tour
  • Koala Lumpur: Journey to the Edge
  • Kye
  • Kyodai Mahjongg


  • Labyrinth
  • The Laffer Utilities
  • Lander
  • Laser Strike
  • Laser Trace
  • Leapfrog Solitaire
  • Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!
  • Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail!
  • Legions
  • Lemmings
  • Let’s Go Read: An Island Adventure
  • Liberation of Kuwait
  • Life 3000
  • LifeGenesis
  • Lighthouse: The Dark Being
  • Lines
  • Lion King Print Studio, The
  • Living Books: Arthur’s Reading Race
  • Living Books: Arthur’s Teacher Trouble
  • Living Books: The Berenstain Bears: In The Dark
  • Living Books: Harry and the Haunted House
  • Living Books: Just Grandma and Me
  • Living Books: The New Kid on the Block
  • Living Books: The Tortoise and the Hare
  • Living Puzzles: Triazzle
  • Local Area Dungeon
  • Lock Out
  • Lode Runner: The Legend Returns
  • Logic Quest 3D
  • Logical Journey of the Zoombinis
  • Logiphrases
  • Loopz
  • Lost in a Labyrinth
  • The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain
  • Lotto Luck
  • Lotto Simulator
  • Luca’s Problem
  • Lucky Stars Video Slots
  • Lunacy
  • Lunar Basketball


  • MacBlaster
  • Magic Fairy Tales: Barbie as Rapunzel
  • The Magic School Bus Explores the Human Body
  • The Magic School Bus Explores Inside the Earth
  • The Magic School Bus Explores the Ocean
  • The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System
  • Mah Jongg for Windows
  • Marble
  • Marbles
  • Marbles II
  • Mario Teaches Typing 2
  • Mario’s Time Machine
  • Master of the Maze
  • Matchem
  • Math Bingo
  • Math Blaster Episode I: In Search of Spot
  • Math Blaster Episode II: Secret of the Lost City
  • Math Blaster Mystery: The Great Brain Robbery
  • Math Virus
  • Medieval War
  • Math Munchers Deluxe
  • Math Rabbit Deluxe
  • Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
  • Max and Marie Go Shopping
  • MayaQuest: The Mystery Trail
  • Mazer
  • Melee at Sea
  • Mercer Mayer’s Just Me and My Dad
  • Mercer Mayer’s Just Me and My Mom
  • Merlin: The Quest for the Wand
  • Metal Marines
  • Meteor Shower
  • Metris
  • Microsoft Ancient Lands
  • Microsoft Complete Baseball: 1994 Edition
  • Microsoft Complete Baseball: 1995 Edition
  • Microsoft Complete NBA Basketball Guide ’94-’95
  • Microsoft Dangerous Creatures
  • Microsoft Dinosaurs
  • Microsoft Explorapedia – The World of Nature
  • Mickey & Friends Print Studio
  • Micro Man
  • Microsoft Entertainment Pack
  • Microsoft Golf
  • Minesweeper
  • Microsoft Reversi
  • Midnight Rescue!
  • Mighty Math Number Heroes
  • Mile Bones
  • Millie’s Math House
  • Milo
  • Mines
  • Minesweeper
  • Miser Mind
  • Mission Alphatron
  • Missile Attack!
  • Mission Thunderbolt
  • Molbreko Castle
  • Moku
  • Money Town
  • Monopoly
  • Monopoly Deluxe
  • Monty Python’s Complete Waste of Time
  • Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy Grail
  • Morejongg
  • Mother of all Battles
  • Mr. Drumstix’ Music Studio
  • Mr Pill
  • Ms. Chomp
  • Murder
  • Mynes
  • Myst


  • Name of the Game
  • NanoMan
  • NCC-1701
  • Neko
  • Neural Ned in Ned’s World
  • Nitemare 3D
  • Nisus Missile Master
  • Noddy: The Magic of Toytown
  • Nuclear Winter
  • Nuts!


  • Oddballz: Your Wacky Computer Petz
  • Odell Down Under
  • Office Darts
  • Oh No! – A Game of Chance
  • Oil Baron
  • One Armed Bandit
  • Opening Night
  • Operation: Inner Space
  • Operation Neptune
  • The Oregon Trail Version 1.2
  • The Oregon Trail II
  • Orly’s Draw-A-Story
  • Ouija Board
  • Our House featuring The Family Circus
  • Outpost


  • P.A.W.S.: Personal Automated Wagging System
  • Paddle Battle
  • Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It’s Dark Outside
  • Palace of Deceit, The
  • Panic in the Park
  • Parsec
  • Patuman
  • Paulie Python
  • Pegged
  • Pensate
  • PentaBlox
  • Pente
  • Pepper’s Adventures in Time
  • Picture Perfect Golf
  • Perestroika
  • Perfect Chessmate
  • Peter and the Wolf
  • Chuck Jones’ Peter and the Wolf
  • Phantasmagoria
  • The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril
  • Pipe Dream
  • Pipeline
  • Playskool Puzzles
  • Poker Broker
  • Poker Solitaire
  • Police Quest: Open Season
  • Power of Zenalok, The
  • Power Politics
  • Powerhouse
  • Prairie Dog Hunt
  • Prison Guard Tower Tracker
  • The Psychotron
  • Putt-Putt and Fatty Bear’s Activity Pack
  • Putt-Putt and Pep’s Balloon-o-Rama
  • Putt-Putt and Pep’s Dog on a Stick
  • Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon
  • Putt-Putt Joins the Parade
  • Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo
  • Putt-Putt’s Fun Pack
  • Pyramis Solitaire
  • Pyst


  • Qin: Tomb of the Middle Kingdom
  • Quantum Gate
  • Quatra Command
  • Quenzar’s Caverns
  • Quest for Fame
  • Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness


  • Rance: Hikari o Motomete
  • Rance II: Hangyaku no Shōjotachi
  • Rance III: Leazas Kanraku
  • Rats!
  • Rattler Race
  • Read, Write, & Type!
  • Reader Rabbit 1 Deluxe
  • Reader Rabbit 2 Deluxe
  • Reader Rabbit 3 Deluxe
  • Reader Rabbit Toddler
  • Reader Rabbit’s Interactive Math Journey
  • Reader Rabbit’s Interactive Reading Journey
  • Reader Rabbit’s Interactive Reading Journey 2
  • Reader Rabbit’s Kindergarten
  • Reader Rabbit’s Reading Development Library
  • Reader Rabbit and Friends: Let’s Start Learning!
  • Reader Rabbit’s Reading 1
  • Reader Rabbit: 1st Grade
  • Reader Rabbit: 2nd Grade
  • Reproduction Man
  • Reversi
  • Risk
  • RoboSport
  • Robot City
  • Robots
  • Rodent’s Revenge
  • Rodney’s Funscreen
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire
  • Roulette
  • Roxie’s ABC Fish
  • Roxie’s Math Fish
  • Roxie’s Reading Fish
  • RSC Test Cricket
  • Runner


  • Safety Monkey
  • Sammy’s Science House
  • SCAT
  • Science Shop with Monker
  • Science Sleuths
  • Scissors, Paper, Stone
  • Score Builder for SAT
  • Scrabout
  • Search and Destroy
  • Secrets of the Pyramids
  • Sensible Golf
  • Sesame Street: Art Workshop
  • Sesame Street: Elmo’s Preschool
  • Sesame Street: Get Set To Learn
  • Sesame Street: Let’s Make a Word!
  • Sesame Street: Letters
  • Sesame Street: Numbers
  • Shadowgate
  • Shadows of Cairn
  • Shanghai: Great Moments
  • Shanghai II: Dragon’s Eye
  • Shooter
  • Shop Drop
  • ShotGun
  • Pirates! Gold
  • SimAnt
  • SimCity
  • SimCity 2000
  • SimEarth
  • SimFarm
  • SimJack
  • SimLife
  • Simon
  • The Simpsons Cartoon Studio
  • SimTower
  • SinkSub
  • SinkSub Pro
  • Six Feet Under[1]
  • Skifree
  • Slam!
  • Slot Machine
  • Smash’em
  • Smithsonian Institution: Dinosaur Museum
  • Smelly Mystery Starring Mercer Mayer’s Little Monster Private Eye, The
  • Snakes
  • Snoopy’s Campfire Stories
  • Soccer Management Simulator
  • Sokobon for Windows
  • Solar Vengeance
  • Solitaire
  • Solitaire Golf
  • Space Bucks
  • Space Dodge’m
  • Space Exploration – Mission Alpha
  • Space Guard
  • SpaceRocks
  • Space Rocks
  • Space Traveler
  • Space Walls
  • Space Walls II
  • Span-It!
  • Spectre VR
  • Spellbound!
  • Spelling Blizzard
  • Spelling Jungle
  • Spider
  • Spider, Double Deck Solitaire
  • Squeaky Mouse
  • SqueezePlay
  • Squirmer
  • Stanley’s Sticker Stories
  • Star Wars Chess
  • Stardate 2140.2: Battles on Distant Planets
  • Stax
  • Stellar Empires
  • Stellar Explorer
  • Stellar Warrior
  • Stop the Bus
  • Storybook Weaver
  • Storybook Weaver Deluxe
  • Strategy Challenges Collection
  • Strategy Challenges Collection 2: In the Wild
  • Street Shuffle
  • Student Writing Center
  • Student Writing & Research Center
  • Super Craps
  • Super Tetris
  • Super Video Poker
  • SwatM


  • Taaltris
  • Tai chi
  • TailGunner
  • Taipei
  • Tank Tracker
  • Tarot
  • TC Joust
  • TC Star Trek
  • TC Virtual World
  • TDK Pinball Machine
  • Temple of Rahj, The
  • Terrace
  • TetraVex
  • Tetris
  • Tetris Classic
  • Tetris Gold
  • Teris for Windows
  • Thieves and Kings
  • Thinkin’ Things Collection 1
  • Thinkin’ Things Collection 2
  • Thinkin’ Things Collection 3
  • Thy Dragon
  • Thy Super Knight
  • TicTactics
  • TiC-TaC-ToC
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Tiles and Tribulations
  • Timon & Pumbaa’s Jungle Games
  • Tonka Construction
  • Tonka Search & Rescue
  • Torin’s Passage
  • Touzai-Mahjong
  • The Tower from Hanoi
  • Toybox
  • Tracon for Windows
  • Trails
  • Trap Shooting
  • Treasure Cove!
  • Treasure Galaxy!
  • Treasure MathStorm!
  • Treasure Mountain!
  • Trek 96
  • Triple Yahoo!
  • Triple Yahtzee
  • Troggle Trouble Math
  • Trudy’s Time and Place House
  • Tut’s Tomb
  • Twisted Mini Golf
  • TZ-Minigolf


  • UFO Tracker
  • Ultima 21 Blackjack
  • The Ultimate Haunted House
  • Uncle Julius and the Anywhere Machine
  • United Pixtures
  • Uninvited
  • Ultra Blast
  • Ultra Blast II
  • U.S.S. Destroyer Tracker


  • VB Diceroll
  • Venture
  • Video Draw Poker Challenge
  • Virtual Surgeon: Open Heart
  • VIRUS: The Game
  • Voodoo Doll for Windows


  • WallBall
  • Walnuts
  • Warhead
  • Western Shoot Out
  • Wheel of Fortune
  • Wheel of Fortune: Deluxe Edition
  • Wheel of Luck
  • Where’s Waldo at the Circus
  • Where’s Waldo Exploring Geography
  • Why did the Chicken Cross the Road
  • Wiggins in Storyland
  • WinAnt
  • WinBattle
  • WinCrypt
  • Win Daleks
  • Win Detectives
  • WinRoids
  • Winvade
  • Windows Blackjack
  • Windows Command
  • Windows Life
  • Windows Wizard
  • WinFish
  • WinGo!
  • WinMind
  • Win Pelvis-N-Space
  • WinPong
  • WinPool
  • WinRisk
  • WinRoids
  • Win Slot
  • WinTrek
  • Win Trek
  • Winvade
  • Win Wayout
  • WinWorld
  • Wishbone and the Amazing Odyssey
  • The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats
  • Word Hunter
  • WordMan
  • Wordstalk
  • WordSearch Mania!
  • Words
  • World Empire II
  • World Empire III
  • WorldNet Games
  • World of Aden: Entomorph – Plague of the Darkfall
  • Worm
  • Worm 4
  • Worm War
  • WormWorld
  • Wrath of the Gods
  • Wumpus for Windows
  • Wyatt Earp’s Old West


  • Xmas Gifts
  • Xword: Crossword Puzzles


  • YabWEye
  • Yacht
  • Yacht-Z
  • Yahtzee
  • Yaht-c for Windows
  • Yaht-See
  • Yearn2Learn: Master Snoopy’s World Geography
  • Yearn2Learn: Peanuts
  • Yellow brick road
  • Yet Another Tetris
  • You Don’t Know Jack
  • Young Dilbert Hi-Tech Hijinks
  • Young Pocahontas Interactive Storybook
  • Yova
  • Yow!
  • The Yukon Trail


  • Z & Z Color
  • Z & Z Puzzle
  • Z & Z Recall
  • ZAARK and the Night Team: The Quest for Patterns
  • Zanti!
  • Zap!
  • Zapitalism
  • Zeddas: Servant of Sheol
  • Zeek the Geek
  • Zentris
  • Zombie Wars
  • Zone One
  • Zurk’s Alaskan Trek
  • Zurk’s Learning Safari
  • Zurk’s Rain Forest Lab

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