Lista Completa delle Console QUI
Commodore 64: Il Computer Che Ha Rivoluzionato Il Mercato Informatico
Il Commodore 64, noto anche come C64, è un computer domestico a 8 bit lanciato nel gennaio 1982 da Commodore International. Presentato per la prima volta al Consumer Electronics Show di Las Vegas, il C64 è entrato nel Guinness dei primati come il modello di computer più venduto di tutti i tempi, con una stima di unità vendute che varia tra 12,5 e 17 milioni. La produzione di massa ha preso il via nei primi mesi del 1982, e la commercializzazione è iniziata nell’agosto dello stesso anno con un prezzo di lancio di 595 dollari (equivalenti a 1.880 dollari nel 2023).
Preceduto dal VIC-20 e dal Commodore PET, il C64 deve il suo nome ai suoi 64 kilobyte di RAM. Grazie al supporto per sprite multicolore e a un chip personalizzato per la generazione di onde sonore, il C64 è stato in grado di offrire grafica e audio superiori rispetto a sistemi privi di hardware dedicato.
Nel corso degli anni ’80, il C64 ha dominato il mercato dei computer di fascia bassa negli Stati Uniti, detenendo una quota di mercato che oscillava tra il 30% e il 40% e vendendo circa due milioni di unità all’anno. Questo lo ha reso più popolare di PC IBM compatibili, computer Apple e la famiglia di computer Atari a 8 bit. Tuttavia, nonostante il successo negli Stati Uniti e nel Regno Unito, il Commodore 64 non è riuscito a imporsi in Giappone, dove il mercato era dominato da computer locali come NEC PC-8801 e Sharp X1.
Una delle chiavi del successo del C64 è stata la sua disponibilità nei negozi di vendita al dettaglio regolari, anziché solo nei negozi specializzati in elettronica o informatica. Commodore ha prodotto molte delle sue parti internamente per controllare i costi, incluso la realizzazione di circuiti integrati personalizzati tramite MOS Technology. Negli Stati Uniti, il C64 è stato paragonato all’automobile Ford Model T per il suo ruolo nell’introdurre una nuova tecnologia nelle case della classe media attraverso una produzione di massa creativa ed economica.
Oggi, con circa 10.000 titoli software commerciali prodotti, che spaziano dagli strumenti di sviluppo alle applicazioni per l’ufficio fino ai videogiochi, il C64 continua a vivere attraverso emulatori che permettono di utilizzare questi programmi su computer moderni o console da gioco compatibili. Il C64 è anche accreditato per aver popolarizzato la demoscene informatica e viene ancora utilizzato oggi da alcuni appassionati di computer. Ancora nel 2011, ben 17 anni dopo la sua uscita dal mercato, il riconoscimento del marchio per il modello era ancora dell’87%.
Lista Completa dei Giochi Dalla A alla M del Commodore 64
- 000 Pyramid
- $100
- 007: Licence to Kill
- 10 Knockout!
- 10-Pin Bowling
- 10th Frame
- 10000 Meters
- 180
- 19 Part One: Boot Camp
- 1942
- 1943: One Year After
- 1943: The Battle of Midway
- 1985: The Day After
- 1994: Ten Years After
- 1st Division Manager
- 2001
- 221B Baker Street
- 3-D Breakout
- 3-D Labyrinth
- 3-D Skramble
- 3D Construction Kit
- 3D Glooper
- 3D Tanx
- 4 Soccer Simulators
- 4th & Inches
- 4×4 Off-Road Racing
- 50 Mission Crush
- 5th Gear
- 720°
- 720° Part 2
- Aaargh!
- Aardvark
- ABC Monday Night Football
- Abrakadabra
- Accolade’s Comics
- ACE – Air Combat Emulator
- Ace 2
- ACE 2088
- Ace Harrier
- Ace of Aces
- Acrojet
- Action Biker
- Action Fighter
- Action Force
- Adam Norton’s Ultimate Soccer [citation needed]
- The Addams Family
- Addicta Ball
- ADIDAS Championship Football
- Adrenalin
- Adult Poker
- Advance to Boardwalk
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the Lance
- Advanced Basketball Simulator
- Advanced Pinball Simulator
- Adventure Construction Set
- Adventure Master
- Adventure Quest
- Adventureland
- Adventures in Narnia: Dawn Treader
- Adventures in Narnia: Narnia
- Aegean Voyage
- After Burner
- After The War
- Afterlife
- Afterlife II
- Afterlife v1.0
- Afterlife v2.0
- Aftermath
- Agent Orange
- Agent USA
- Agent X
- Agent X II: The Mad Prof’s Back
- Ah Diddums
- Aigina’s Prophecy
- Air Support
- Airborne Ranger
- Airwolf
- Airwolf II
- Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress
- ALF: The First Adventure
- Alf in the Color Caves
- Alice in Videoland
- Alice in Wonderland
- Alien (graphics adventure)
- Alien
- Alien 3
- Alien Storm
- Alien Syndrome
- Aliens: The Computer Game
- Alter Ego
- Alleykat
- Altered Beast
- Alter Ego: Female Version
- Alter Ego: Male Version
- Alternate Reality: The City
- Alternate Reality: The Dungeon
- Alternative World Games
- Amadeus Revenge
- Amaurote
- The Amazing Spider-Man
- Amazon Warrior
- Amazon
- America’s Cup
- American Tag-Team Wrestling
- Amnesia
- Anarchy
- Andy Capp: The Game
- Annals of Rome
- Annihilator
- Annihilator II
- Another World (1990) (Double Density)
- Another World (1991) (CP Verlag)
- Another World (1992) (X-Ample)
- Ant Attack
- Antimonopoly
- Antiriad
- Apache
- Apache Gold
- Apache Strike
- Apocalypse Now
- Apollo 18: Mission to the Moon
- Apple Cider Spider
- Arac
- Arachnophobia
- Arcade Classics
- Arcade Flight Simulator
- Arcade Fruit Machine: Cash ‘n’ Grab
- Arcade Game Construction Kit
- Arcade Pilot
- Arcade Trivia Quiz
- Arcade Volleyball
- Arcadia
- Arcana
- Archipelago
- Archon: The Light and the Dark
- Archon II: Adept
- Archon III: ExciterD
- ArciereD
- ArcoD
- Arctic ShipwreckD
- Arctic Wastes!D
- Arc of Yesod
- Arcticfox
- ArdantD
- Ardok the BarbarianD
- Ardy the Aardvark
- Area 13D
- Area EstimationD
- AreasD
- AreeD
- ArenaD
- Arena 3000D
- Arena Football
- ArenumD
- ArexD
- ArgoD
- ArgonD
- Argon – L’Orrore di ProvidenceD
- The Argon FactorD
- ArgosD
- The Argos ExpeditionD
- Arhena! The AmazonD
- Arithme-SketchD
- The Arithmetic GameD
- ArithmeticianD
- ArizonaD
- Arizona – The Boy in the BubbleD
- The Ark of ExodusD
- Ark PandoraD
- Arkanoid
- Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh
- Armageddon
- The Armageddon Files
- The Armageddon Man
- Armalyte
- Armalyte – Competition Edition
- Armalyte II
- Armourdillo
- Army Moves
- Army Moves II
- Arnie
- Arnie II
- Arnie Armchair’s Howzat
- Artillery Duel
- Artura
- Asterix and the Magic Cauldron
- The Astonishing Adventures of Mr. Weems and the She Vampires
- Astro-Grover
- Asylum
- The Attack of the Phantom Karate Devils
- Ataxx
- ATC – Air Traffic Controller
- Athena
- Atlantis
- Atlantis Lode Runner
- Atomic Robo-Kid
- Atomino
- Atomix
- Attack Chopper!
- Attack of the Mutant Camels
- Attack of the PETSCII Robots
- ATV Simulator
- Auf Wiedersehen Monty
- Auf Wiedersehen Pet
- Aufstand der Sioux
- Auggie Doggie and Doggie Daddy
- Aussie Games
- Auto Mania
- Autoduel
- Avenger
- Avenger (Way of the Tiger II)
- Avengers
- Avoid the Noid
- Aztec
- Aztec Challenge
- Aztec Tomb
- Aztec Tomb Revisited
- B-1 Nuclear Bomber
- B-24
- B.A.T.
- B.C. Bill
- B.C.’s Quest for Tires
- B.C. II: Grog’s Revenge
- Baal
- Back to the Future
- Back to the Future Part II
- Back to the Future Part III
- Backgammon
- Bad Blood
- Bad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja
- Bad Street Brawler
- Badballs
- Badlands
- Bagitman
- Ballblazer
- Ballistix
- Balloonacy
- Ballyhoo
- Baltic 1985: Corridor to Berlin
- Bandits
- Bangers and Mash
- Bangkok Knights
- Barbarian
- Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax
- Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior
- Barbie
- The Bard’s Tale
- The Bard’s Tale II: The Destiny Knight
- The Bard’s Tale III: Thief of Fate
- Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing
- Basil the Great Mouse Detective
- Basket Master
- Batalyx
- Batman
- Batman: The Caped Crusader
- Battle Chess (1989) by Interplay
- Battle Chess (1992)
- Battle of Britain
- Battle Through Time
- Battle Valley
- Battles of Napoleon
- Battleships
- BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk’s Inception
- Battlezone
- Batty
- Bay Street
- Bazooka Bill
- Beach Buggy Simulator
- Beach-Head
- Beach Head II: The Dictator Strikes Back
- Beach Head III
- Beach Volley
- Beaky and the Egg Snatchers
- Beamrider
- Bear Bovver
- Beat-it
- Beatle Quest
- Bee 52
- Beer Belly Burt’s Brew Biz
- Below the Root
- Benji: Space Rescue
- Betrayal
- Better Dead Than Alien
- Beverly Hills Cop
- Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
- Beyond Dark Castle
- Beyond the Black Hole
- Beyond the Forbidden Forest
- Beyond the Ice Palace
- Big Bird’s Special Delivery 1984
- Big Deal
- Big Game Fishing
- Biggles
- Big Mac
- Big Trouble in Little China
- Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
- Bilbo the Hobbit
- Bionic Commando by Go!
- Bionic Commando (USA Version) by Capcom
- Bionic Granny
- The Birds and the Bees II: Antics
- Black Crystal
- Black Gold (1983) by Photronics
- Black Gold (1989) by reLINE Software
- Black Gold (1992) by Starbyte Software
- Black Hawk
- Black Lamp
- Black Magic
- Black Tiger
- Blackwyche
- The Blade of Blackpool
- Blade Runner
- Blades of Steel
- Blagger
- Blagger Construction Set
- Blagger goes to Hollywood
- Blasteroids
- Blinky’s Scary School
- Blitzkrieg
- Blockout
- Blood Brothers
- Blood Money
- Bloodwych
- Blue Encounter
- Blue Max
- Blue Max 2001
- Blue Moon
- Blue Thunder
- Blues Brothers
- BMX Kidz
- BMX Simulator
- BMX Racers by Mastertronic
- BMX Trials
- Bobby Bearing
- The Boggit
- Bomb Jack
- Bomb Jack 2
- Bombo
- Bombuzal
- Bonanza Bros.
- Bonecruncher
- Bonka
- Booty
- Bop’n Rumble
- Bop’n Wrestle
- Border Zone
- Bored of the Rings
- Borrowed Time
- Bosconian
- Boss
- Boulder Dash
- Boulder Dash II: Rockford’s Revenge
- Boulder Dash III
- Boulder Dash Construction Kit
- Bounces
- Bounder
- Bounty Bob
- Bounty Bob Strikes Back!
- Bounzy
- Bozo’s Night Out
- Bram Stoker’s Dracula
- BraveStarr
- Break Dance
- Breakout
- Breakout Construction Kit
- Breakstreet
- Breakthrough in the Ardennes
- Breakthru
- Brian Bloodaxe
- Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge
- Brian Jack’s Uchi Mata
- BrickFast
- Bride of Frankenstein
- Bristles
- Broadsides
- Bruce Lee
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Dizzy
- Bubble Ghost
- Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
- Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
- Budokan – The Martial Spirit
- Bugaboo (The Flea)
- Bug Bomber
- Buggy Boy
- Bugs Bunny Private Eye
- Bugsy
- Bumpin’ Buggies
- Bump Set Spike
- Bundesliga 98/99
- Bundesliga Live
- Bundesliga Manager
- Bundesliga Manager v2.0
- Bundesliga Manager v3.0
- Bundesliga Manager Polish Version
- BurgerTime
- Burger Time ’97
- Burnin’ Rubber
- Bushido
- Buster Bros (also known as Pang)
- Butasan
- Butcher Hill
- By Fair Means or Foul
- Cabal
- California Games
- Camelot Warriors
- Campaign Manager
- Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann
- Captain Blood
- Captain Dynamo
- Captain Fizz
- Captain Power
- The Captive
- Capture The Flag
- Captured
- Card Sharks
- Carnage
- Carrier Command
- Castle Master
- Castle Nightmare
- Castle of Terror
- Castle Wolfenstein
- The Castles of Dr. Creep
- Castlevania
- Catalypse
- Catastrophes
- Cauldron
- Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back
- Cave Fighter
- Cave of the Word Wizard
- Cavelon
- Cavelon II
- Caveman Games
- Caveman Ughlympics
- Centipede
- Challenge of the Gobots
- Chambers of Shaolin
- Championship 3D Snooker
- Champions of Krynn
- Championship Baseball
- Championship Lode Runner
- Championship Lode Runner: Extended Edition
- Championship Lode Runner: Training Missions
- Championship Sprint
- Championship Wrestling
- Chase H.Q.
- Chernobyl
- Cheese Graphics Editor
- Chess 7.0
- Chess 7.5: How About a Nice Game of Chess!
- Chess Analyse
- Chess Champion
- Chess Grand Master
- Chess Quarto
- The Chessmaster 2000
- Chicago
- Chiller
- Chimera
- China Miner
- Chinese Juggler
- Chip’s Challenge
- ChipWits
- Cholo
- Choplifter
- Chubbie Chester
- Chubby Gristle
- Chuck Norris Superkicks
- Chuck Rock
- Chuck Yeager’s Advanced Flight Trainer
- Chuck Yeager’s Flight Trainer
- Chuckie Egg
- Chuckie Egg 2
- Circus Charlie
- Circus Games
- Cisco Heat
- Citadel
- City Fighter
- CJ in the USA
- CJ’s Elephant Antics
- Classic Concentration
- Classic Snooker
- Clean Up Service
- Clever & Smart
- Cliffhanger
- Cliffhanger: A Perilous Climb
- Cloud Kingdoms
- Clowns
- Clue Master Detective
- Clue!
- Cluedo
- Clystron
- Cobra
- Coco Notes
- Cohen’s Towers
- Colonial Conquest
- Colony by Mastertronic
- Colony (1996) by John Woods
- Colony v3
- Colors
- Colossal Adventure
- Colossal Cave Adventure
- Colossus Chess 2.0
- Colossus Chess 4.0
- The Colour of Magic
- Combat Course
- Combat Crazy by Powerslave Developments and music by Jeroen Tel
- Combat School
- Comic Bakery
- Commando
- Commando 86
- Commando II
- Commando Libya
- Compunet
- Computer Baseball
- The Computer Edition of Risk: The World Conquest Game
- Computer Football Strategy
- Computer Quarterback
- Conan: Hall of Volta
- Confuzion
- Congo Bongo
- Continental Circus
- Contra
- ConundrumD
- Cool Croc Twins
- Cool World
- Cops ‘n’ Robbers
- CorporationD
- Corruption
- CorsairD
- Cosmic Causeway: Trailblazer II
- Cosmic CrusaderD
- Cosmic PirateD
- Cosmic Relief: Prof. Renegade to the RescueD
- Count and Add
- Count
- Count Duckula in No Sax Please – We’re EgyptianD
- Countdown To MeltdownD
- Cover Girl Strip Poker
- Crack Down
- Crack-Up
- Crazy Balloon
- Crazy CarD
- Crazy CarsD
- Crazy Cars 2D
- Crazy Cars III
- Crazy Comets
- Crazy Kong
- Crazy Sue
- Create with GarfieldD
- Creative ContraptionsD
- Creatures
- Creatures II: Torture Trouble
- Crime and Punishment
- Crillion[1]
- Crisis Mountain
- The Crimson Crown
- Crossbow
- Crossfire
- CrossroadsD
- Crossroads IID
- Crossword CreatorD
- Crossword Magic 4.0D
- Crossword PuzzleD
- Crusade in EuropeD
- Crush
- Crystal Castles
- Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
- Crystals of Zong
- CubulusD
- Curse of RaD
- The Curse of Sherwood
- Curse of the Azure Bonds
- Cuthbert Enters the Tombs of Doom
- Cuthbert Goes Walkabout
- Cuthbert in SpaceD
- Cuthbert in the JungleD
- Cutthroats
- Cyberball
- Cyberdyne WarriorD
- Cybernoid
- Cybernoid II: The Revenge
- Cybertron Mission
- Cyborg
- The Cycles: International Grand Prix Racing
- Dalek Attack
- Daley Thompson’s Decathlon
- Daley Thompson’s Olympic ChallengeD
- Daley Thompson’s Super-Test
- Dallas Quest
- The Dam Busters
- Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future
- Dan Dare II: Mekon’s Revenge
- Dan Dare III: The Escape
- DandyD
- Daredevil Dennis
- Dark Castle
- Dark Fusion
- Dark LordD
- Dark Side
- The Dark TowerD
- Darkman
- David’s Midnight Magic
- David’s Midnight Magic IID
- Days of Thunder
- Deactivators
- Dead EndD
- Dead or AliveD
- Deadline
- Death in the CaribbeanD
- Death Bringer
- Death Knights of Krynn
- Death StarD
- Death Wish 3
- Deathlord
- Decisive Battles of the American Civil War Volume 1: Bull Run to Chancellorsville
- Defender
- Defender 64D
- Defender of the Crown
- Deflektor
- Déjà Vu by Ariolasoft-Axis KomputerkunstD
- Déjà Vu by Mindscape
- Deliverance: Stormlord II
- The Delphic Oracle
- Delta
- Delta 16
- Delta Man
- Demon Attack
- Demon Stalkers
- Demon’s Winter
- Depthcharge
- Desert Fox
- Designasaurus
- Destroyer
- The Detective
- Deus Ex Machina
- Dick Tracy
- Die Hard
- Die Hard 2: Die Harder
- Dig Dug
- Dinky Doo
- Dino Eggs
- Diplomacy
- Dive Bomber
- Dizzy Down the Rapids
- Dizzy Panic!
- Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk
- Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure
- DNA Warrior
- Doctor Doom’s Revenge
- Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror
- Doctor Who and the Entropilytes
- Doctor Who 2
- Dogfight 2187
- Dogfight!
- Domination
- Dominion
- Donald’s Alphabet Chase
- Donald Duck’s Playground
- Donkey Kong
- Doomdark’s Revenge
- Dot Gobbler
- Double Dare
- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon II: The Revenge
- Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone
- Double Dribble
- Double Take
- Dough Boy
- Draconus
- Dracula
- Drag Race Eliminator
- Dragon Breed
- Dragon Ninja
- Dragon Skulle
- Dragon Spirit
- Dragon Wars
- Dragon’s Lair
- Dragons Den
- Dragon’s Lair II: Escape from Singe’s Castle
- DragonHawk
- Dragonriders of Pern
- Dragons of Flame
- DragonStrike
- Dragonworld
- Drelbs
- Dream House
- Driller
- Drol
- Dropzone
- Druid
- Druid II: Enlightenment
- Duck Shoot
- Ducks Ahoy!
- DuckTales: The Quest for Gold
- Duckula 2: Tremendous Terence
- The Duel by Paradize Software
- The Duel: Test Drive II
- Dungeon
- Dungeon Maker by Ubisoft
- Dungeon of Doom
- Dunzhin
- Duotris
- Dynamic Duo
- Dynamite Dan
- Dynamite Düx
- Dynamix (1988) by Digital Design
- Dynamix (1989) by Mastertronic
- Dynasty Wars
- E-Motion
- Eagle Empire
- Earth Orbit Stations
- Echelon
- Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge
- The Eidolon
- Elektra Glide
- Elevator Action
- Elidon
- Elite
- Elm Street
- Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
- Elvira: The Arcade Game
- Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus
- Emerald Isle
- Emerald Mine
- Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
- The Empire of Karn
- Empire
- Empire!
- Empire: Wargame of the Century
- Enchanter
- Encounter
- Enduro Racer
- Energy Warrior
- Enigma Force
- Enigma Force Construction Set
- Entity
- Entombed
- Eon
- Equations
- Equinox
- Erebus
- Erik the Viking
- Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters
- Espionage
- ESWAT: City Under Siege
- E.T.’s Rugby League
- The Eternal Dagger
- Eureka!
- European Champions
- European Football Champ
- Evening Star
- Everest Ascent
- Everyone’s a Wally
- The Evil Dead
- Evolution (1982 video game)
- Excalibur
- Exile
- Exolon
- Exploding Fist II: The Legend Continues
- Extended Championship Lode Runner
- Exterminator
- Eye of Horus
- F-14 Tomcat
- F-15 Strike Eagle
- F-16 Combat Pilot
- F-18 Hornet
- F-19 Stealth Fighter
- F1 GP Circuits
- F.1 Manager
- F1 Tornado
- Face Off!
- The Faery Tale Adventure
- Fahrenheit 451
- Fairlight
- Falcon Patrol
- Falcon Patrol II
- Fallen Angel by Emerald Software Ltd
- Fantasy World Dizzy
- The Farm Game
- The Farmer’s Daughter
- Fast Break
- Fast Eddie
- Fast Food
- Fast Tracks: The Computer Slot Car Construction Kit
- Fay – That Math Woman!
- Fellowship of the Rings
- Felony!
- Fernandez Must Die
- Feud
- Fiendish Freddy’s Big Top O’Fun
- Fight Night
- Fighter Bomber
- Fighter Command v1.1
- Fighter Pilot
- Fighting Warrior
- Final Assault
- Final Blow
- Final Fight
- Finders Keepers
- Fire Ant
- Fire & Forget II: The Death Convoy
- Fire King
- Fire Power
- Fire Zone
- Firefly
- Firelord
- Firequest
- Firetrack
- First Samurai
- Fish!
- Fish! v1.07
- Fisher-Price: Alpha Build
- Fist II: The Legend Continues
- Fist+
- Flasch Bier
- Flasch Bier Konstruktion Kit
- Flasch Bier 2
- Flash Gordon
- Flight Path 737
- Flight Simulator II
- Flimbo’s Quest
- Flintstones: Yabba-Dabba-Dooo!
- Flintstones
- Flip & Flop
- Floyd of the Jungle
- Flunky
- Flyerfox
- Flying Ace
- Flying Shark
- Football Manager
- Football Manager 2
- Football Manager 2 Expansion Kit
- Football Manager 3
- Football Manager World Cup Edition
- Footballer of the Year
- Footballer of the Year 2
- Forbidden Forest
- Forbidden Forest 2: Beyond the Forbidden Forest
- Forgotten Worlds
- Formula 1 Simulator
- Fort Apocalypse
- The Fourth Protocol
- Foxx Fights Back
- Fraction Fever
- Frak!
- Frank Bruno’s Boxing
- Frankenstein by CRL
- Frankenstein (1992) by Zeppelin Games
- Frankenstein Jnr.
- Frankie Goes to Hollywood
- Frantic Freddie
- Freak Factory
- Fred
- Freddy Hardest
- Frenzy
- Friday the 13th: The Computer Game
- Frog Run
- Frogger
- Frogger II: ThreeeDeep!
- Frogs and Flies
- Front Line (video game)
- Frostbyte
- Fruit Machine Simulator
- Fruit Machine Simulator 2
- Fun School 2
- Fun School 3
- Fun School 4
- Fun School Specials
- Fungus
- Future Knight
- G-Force
- G-LOC: Air Battle
- G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
- G.U.T.Z.
- Galactic Conquest
- Galactic Empire
- Galaga
- Galaxian
- Galaxy Force
- Gamma Strike
- Game Over
- Game Over II
- The Games: Summer Edition
- The Games: Winter Edition
- The Games: Winter Edition Practice
- Gangbusters
- Gaplus
- Garfield: Big Fat Hairy Deal
- Garfield: Winter’s Tail
- Garrison
- Gary Lineker’s Hot Shot!
- Gary Lineker’s Super Skills
- Gary Lineker’s Superstar Soccer
- Gateway to Apshai
- Gateway to the Savage Frontier
- Gato
- Gauntlet
- Gauntlet: The Deeper Dungeons
- Gauntlet II
- Gauntlet III: The Final Quest
- Gazza II
- Gazza’s Superstar Soccer
- GBA Championship Basketball: Two-on-Two
- Gee Bee Air Rally
- Gem’X
- Gemini Wing
- Gemstone Healer
- Gemstone Warrior
- Germany 1985
- Gertrude’s Secrets
- Ghetto Blaster
- Ghost Chaser
- Ghost Town
- Ghost Trap
- Ghostbusters
- Ghostbusters II
- Ghosts ‘n Goblins
- Ghouls
- Ghouls ‘n Ghosts
- Gilligan’s Gold
- Give My Regards to Broad Street
- Gladiator
- Glider Rider
- Global Chess
- Global Commander
- Glutton
- Gnome Ranger
- Go Go The Ghost
- Godzilla
- Gold Medal Games
- Golden Axe
- Goldrunner
- The Goonies
- Gorf
- Gradius
- Graeme Souness International Soccer
- Graeme Souness Soccer Manager
- Graham Gooch’s All Star Cricket
- Graham Gooch’s Test Cricket
- Grandmaster Chess
- Grand Monster Slam
- Grand National
- Grand Prix
- Grand Prix Circuit
- Grand Prix Master
- Grand Prix Simulator
- Grand Prix Simulator 2
- Grand Slam Baseball
- Grange Hill
- Granny’s Garden
- Grave Yardage
- Gravitron
- The Great American Cross-Country Road Race
- The Great Escape
- The Great Giana Sisters
- Great Gurianos
- Green Beret (also known as Rush’n Attack)
- Gremlins
- Gremlins: The Adventure
- Gremlins 2: The New Batch
- Gribbly’s Day Out
- Gridder
- Gridiron
- Gridrunner
- The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole
- Gruds in Space
- Gryzor
- Guadalcanal
- Guerrilla War
- Guild of Thieves
- Gumshoe
- Gunfighters
- Gunship
- Gunslinger
- Gust Buster
- Gyroscope
- Gyroscope Construction Set
- Gyroscope II
- Gyruss
- H.A.T.E.
- H.E.R.O.
- Habitat
- Hacker
- Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers
- Hades Nebula
- Hägar the Horrible
- The Halley Project
- Halls of Montezuma: A Battle History of the U.S. Marine Corps
- Halls of the Things
- Hammerfist
- Hangman’s Hazard
- Hard Drivin’
- Hard Hat Mack
- Hardball!
- Hardball! II
- Hareraiser
- Harrier Attack
- Harrier Combat Simulator
- Harvey Headbanger
- Hat Trick
- Hawkeye
- Headache
- Head Over Heels
- Heart of Africa
- Heartland
- Hell Cat Ace
- Hellgate
- Helter Skelter
- Henrietta’s Book of Spells
- Henry’s House
- Herbert on the Slope
- Herbert’s Dummy Run
- Hercules
- Hercules Slayer of the Damned
- Hero of the Golden Talisman (video game)
- Hero Quest
- The Heroes of Karn
- Herobotix
- Hes Games
- High Frequency (video game)
- High Noon
- High Seas
- Highland Games
- Highlander
- Highway Encounter
- Hillsfar
- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
- Hobbit
- Hole In One
- Hollywood Hijinx
- Hollywood or Bust
- Hollywood Squares
- The Honeymooners
- Hook
- Hoppin’ Mad
- Horace Goes Skiing
- Hostages by Infogrames
- Hot Pop by Rocky Soft
- Hot Rod
- Hot Wheels
- HotShot
- Hounded
- House of Usher
- Hover
- Hover Bovver
- How to be a Complete Bastard
- Howard the Duck
- Howard the Duck II
- Hudson Hawk
- Hugo
- The Hulk
- Human Killing Machine
- Hunchback
- Hunchback: The Adventure
- Hunchback at the Olympics
- Hunchback II: Quasimodo’s Revenge
- Hungry Horace
- The Hunt for Red October (1987)
- The Hunt for Red October (1990)
- Hunter Patrol
- Hunter’s Moon
- Hustler
- Hydra
- Hydrax
- Hypaball
- Hyper Sports
- Hyperspace Warrior
- Hysteria
- I. Q.
- Icarus
- Ice Palace
- Időrégész
- Ikari III
- Ikari Warriors
- Imhotep
- Impact
- Imperator
- Impossamole
- Impossible Mission
- Impossible Mission II
- In Search of the Most Amazing Thing
- Incredible Shrinking Sphere
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
- Indiana Jones in the Lost Kingdom
- Indoor Sports
- Indy Heat
- Infernal Runner
- Infidel
- Infiltrator
- Infiltrator Part II: The Next Day
- Ingrid’s Back
- Injured Engine
- Inside Outing
- Inspector Gadget
- Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear
- Instant Music
- The Institute
- International 3D Tennis
- International Basketball (Commodore 64)
- International Karate (World Karate Champ)
- International Karate +
- International Karate + Gold
- International Soccer (1983 computer game) by Commodore
- International Soccer (1988 computer game) by CRL
- Into the Eagle’s Nest
- Intrigue!
- IO
- Iridis Alpha
- It’s a Knockout
- Italy ’90 Soccer
- Ivan ‘Ironman’ Stewart’s Super Off Road
- Jack Attack
- Jack Nicklaus’ Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf
- Jack the Nipper
- Jack the Nipper II: In Coconut Capers
- Jack the Ripper
- Jackal
- Jail Break
- Jail War
- Jailbreak From Starhold 1
- James Bond 007
- James Pond 2
- Jammin’
- Jason of the Argonauts
- Jawbreaker
- Jaws
- Jeep Command
- Jet
- Jet Set Willy
- Jet Set Willy 2
- Jet-Boot Jack
- Jet-Boys
- The Jetsons
- Jewels of Darkness
- Jigsaw
- Jinxter
- Jocky Wilson’s Darts Challenge
- Joe Blade
- Joe Blade 2
- John Elway’s Quarterback
- John Madden Football
- Jordan vs. Bird: One on One
- Journey
- Journey to Centre of the Earth
- Jr. Pac-Man
- Judge Dredd (1986)
- Judge Dredd (1991)
- Jumpin’ Jack
- Jumpman
- Jumpman Junior
- Jungle Hunt
- Juno First
- Jupiter Lander
- Kampfgruppe
- Kane
- Kane 2
- Kangarudy
- Karate Champ
- Karateka
- Karnov
- Katakis
- Kawasaki Magical Musicquill
- Kawasaki Rhythm Rocker
- Kawasaki Synthesizer
- Kennedy Approach
- Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager
- Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match
- Kentilla
- Key Quest
- The Keys to Maramon
- Kick Off (1983) by Bubble Bus
- Kick Off (1989) by Anco Software
- Kick Off 2
- Kid Grid
- Kikstart
- Kikstart 2
- Killed Until Dead
- Killerwatt
- Killing Machine
- Kinetik
- King of Chicago
- King’s Bounty
- Kings of the Beach
- Klax
- Knight Games
- Knight Games 2
- Knight Orc
- Knight Rider
- Knight Tyme
- Knightmare
- Knights of Legend
- Kokotoni Wilf
- Konami’s Ping Pong
- Kong
- Kong Strikes Back!
- Koronis Rift
- Kosmic Kanga
- Krakout
- Kromazone
- Kung-Fu Master
- Kwik Snax
- Labyrinth: The Computer Game
- Lamborghini American Challenge
- Lancelot
- Las Vegas Video Poker
- Laser Chess
- Laser Squad
- Last Battle
- Last Duel
- The Last Ninja
- Last Ninja 2
- Last Ninja 3
- Last Ninja Remix
- The Last V8
- Law of the West
- Lazarian
- Lazy Jones
- Leaderboard
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos
- Led Storm
- Legacy of the Ancients
- The Legend of Blacksilver
- The Legend of Kage
- The Legend of Sinbad
- Legend of the Amazon Women
- Legend of the Knucker-Hole
- Legions of Death
- Le Mans
- Lemmings
- Lethal Weapon
- Leviathan
- The Light Corridor
- Light Force
- Line of Fire
- Lions of the Universe
- Little Computer People
- Live and Let Die
- Liverpool
- The Living Daylights
- Livingstone
- Loco
- Lode Runner
- Lode Runner’s Rescue
- London Blitz
- Looney Balloon
- Loopz
- Lord of the Rings: Game One
- Lords of Chaos
- Lords of Conquest
- Lords of Karma
- The Lords of Midnight
- Lords of Time
- Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
- The Lost Crown of Queen Anne
- Lucky Luke
- Lunar Leeper
- Lunar Outpost
- Lunar Rescue
- The Lurking Horror
- M.A.S.K. III – Venom Strikes Back
- M.C. Kids
- M.U.L.E.
- Macadam Bumper
- Mad Doctor
- Mad Nurse
- The Magic Candle
- Magic Carpet
- Magic Johnson’s Basketball
- Magicland Dizzy
- Mail Order Monsters
- Main Frame
- Mama Llama
- Manchester United
- Mancopter
- Mandroid
- Maniac Mansion
- Manic Miner
- Manky
- Marauder
- Marble Madness
- Mario Bros.
- Mars Saga
- The Mask of the Sun
- Master Chess
- Master of Magic
- Master of the Lamps
- Masters of the Universe: The Arcade Game
- Masters of the Universe: The Movie
- Masters of the Universe: The Super Adventure
- Match Day
- Match Day II
- Match Point
- Math Blaster
- Math Busters
- Mayhem in Monsterland
- Maziacs
- McDonaldland
- Mean Streets
- Meanstreak
- Mega Apocalypse
- Menace
- Mercenary: Escape from Targ
- Mercenary: The Second City
- Mercs
- Metal Gear
- Metro-Cross
- Miami Vice
- Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker
- Mickey’s Space Adventure
- Microball
- Microcosm
- MicroLeague Baseball
- MicroLeague Wrestling
- Microprose Soccer
- Midnight Resistance
- Miecze Valdgira II: Władca Gór
- Mig 29 Soviet Fighter
- Might and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum
- Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World
- Mighty Bomb Jack
- Mikie
- Milk Race
- Mindfighter
- Mind Mirror
- Mind Prober Jr.
- Mindtrap
- Miner 2049er
- Mini-Putt
- Minnesota Fats Pool Challenge (aka “Hustler”)
- Mission A.D.
- Mission Asteroid
- Mission Omega
- Modem Wars
- Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony
- Molecule Man
- Moneybags (1983)[1]
- Monkey Magic (1984)[2]
- Monopoly
- Monster Munch
- Montezuma’s Revenge
- Monty Mole
- Monty on the Run
- Moon Cresta
- Moon Patrol
- Moon Shuttle
- Moondust
- Moonmist
- Mothership
- Morpheus
- Motor Mania
- Motos
- Mountain King
- Mountain Palace Adventure
- The Movie Monster Game
- Mr Angry
- Mr. Do!
- Mr. Do’s Castle
- Mr. Heli
- Mr. Mephisto
- Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory
- Mr. Wimpy
- Ms. Pac-Man
- Multi-Player Soccer Manager
- The Muncher
- Munchman 64
- Murder on the Mississippi
- Murder on the Zinderneuf
- Mushroom Alley
- Music Composer
- Music Construction Set
- Music Machine
- Mutant Herd
- Mutant Monty
- Myth
- Myth: History in the Making